I have been designing cross stitch patterns online since 2003.
I use a cross stitch program to import an image to convert to a cross stitch pattern. Not all images are suitable and a lot are discarded after many hours work.
The images that do become cross stitch patterns that I sell through this site take anywhere from a few hours to make a silhouette. More complicated patterns take a few days to finish but can take up to a week.
All cross stitch images displayed on this site are the exported cross stitch image. Original images used to create the cross stitch pattern are never displayed on this site. The exported image in stitches give you a realistic idea of how your finished work will look.
If you have stitched any of my designs and you would like to submit your image to our gallery, I would be very grateful.
Please also consider writing a review of the pattern you have stitched.
I hope you enjoy my patterns and website.
Kerry Deanna Abbott